How we started. Our Story

Once upon a time, my young mind was captured by a story about a magical book that could transport its readers to fantastical worlds and introduce them to new friends. That spark ignited a lifelong passion for creating immersive experiences through art, design, and technology.

Over the years, I poured myself into my education, spending twelve years studying the art of illustration and design at the School of Art and the National Academy of Arts. I continued to expand my skill set, learning web design, programming, psychology, and marketing to become a well-rounded brand expert.

But even with all that experience, something was missing. The dream of creating that magical book experience persisted, haunting me for over three decades.

Then, I discovered Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, and everything clicked into place. I realized that my love of mythology and storytelling could be harnessed to create transformative branding experiences that guide customers on their own hero’s journey.

When customers can see themselves in your brand’s story, they connect emotionally. The experience becomes a catalyst for their personal growth, and they choose to work with you because they trust you to guide them.

As the founder of Brand Your Dream, I bring forty years of obsession with fantasy books, twelve years of academic art training, and twenty-five years of branding industry experience to the table. I understand firsthand how daunting it can be to build a personal brand and overcome hidden fears and beliefs that can hold you back.

That’s why I’m dedicated to helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs, coaches, founders, course creators and experts, build brands that make them proud and happy. I want you to enjoy the branding process and feel confident when you create content that connects with your prospects’ hearts.

Building a brand isn’t just about selling products or services; it’s about crafting an experience that resonates with your audience on a deeper level. I’m here to help you make that connection, to help you deliver the best experience possible for your customers. Together, we can create a brand that feels like a magical book, one that transports your customers to new heights and transforms their lives forever.