In this episode of Brand Your Dream Show, we discuss visibility, business, networking and connections with the gorgeous queen of global networking Tracey Smolinski. Tracey is an author, entrepreneur and founder of the award-winning global business network Introbiz. She is also a motivational speaker, mentor & networking coach and a wonderful, loving person I’m proud to know.

  • Do you need to be visible to build connections for your brand, or can you do networking behind the scenes?
  • The power of recommendation
  • How to create an authentic message that invites unknown people into networking
  • Walk your talk to build your brand and build genuine connections
  • Best advice on effectively using networking to develop your brand and grow your business.

Connect with Tracey. Check out Tracey’s links and learn more about Introbiz.  | contact | linkedin | Tracey’s Episode on Youtube

Sponsor of BRAND YOUR DREAM SHOW – Visibility GYM!

Visibility Gym is a program for coaches, experts, course creators and founders. Present on camera fearlessly. Connect with your tribe using emotionally intelligent storytelling. Hear more YESes on discovery calls!